Journey to the heart of Annam: Discover Tourane and its Secrets

[English] [français]

Discover Tourane as you’ve never seen it before!

Annam - Tourane - Construction d’un quai pour la voie ferrée
Thiriat 3 @3018 #5321

If Hué is the imperial city, Tourane stands out for its vibrant character as a shopping town.

Annam - Tourane - Construction d’un quai pour la voie ferrée
Thiriat 3 @3018 #4942

Its picturesque harbor, though shallow, welcomes liners, and its rail network links it easily to Hué and Hanoi. Its shopping center offers a wide range of products, and its dynamic atmosphere appeals to travelers.

Annam - Tourane - Construction d’un quai pour la voie ferrée
Thiriat 3 @3018 #4942

But that’s not all! To delve deeper into the history of this fascinating city, we invite you to discover the book “Thiriat-Morin”. In 135 captivating pages, you’ll travel through Annam, from Tourane railway station to the gold and copper mines in the center, via the Chinese town of Faïfoo.

Regard sur l’Annam - Catalogue des cartes d’Auguste Thiriat

Who was Auguste Thiriat, the photographer behind these superb views? Find out in this book, accompanied by the magnificent engravings of his brother, a talented wood engraver. You’ll also appreciate the precision of the photographic postcards, which reveal the secrets of this era.

Don’t miss this opportunity to experience a unique historical adventure! For just 27 euros, this work of art becomes yours and opens the doors to a fascinating world.

Order now and let yourself be transported into Annam’s past!

To order at


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