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Image rights - Publishing
Image rights - Publication
More generally regarding photos and postcards:
1) Anonymous or pseudo author
He is represented in the exercise of these rights by the original publisher or publicator, as long as he has not made known his civil identity and proved his capacity. Such proof may be provided by will. Any rights previously acquired by third parties are maintained. (L113-6)
1.1) author never identified
1.1.1) work published less than 70 years after shooting
=> expiry of rights 70 years after 1st publication
1.1.2) work published more than 70 years after shooting
=> no more rights, but exclusive exploitation rights for the owner of the work, for 25 years after 1st publication
1.2) author identified less than 70 years after publication
=> expiry of rights 70 years after death of author
1.3) identified author more than 70 years after publication
=> expiry of rights 70 years after death of author
2) Identified author (not anonymous or pseudonymous)
2.1) Work published during author’s lifetime
=> rights expire 70 years after author’s death
2.2) Posthumously published work
2.2.1) but published less than 70 years after author’s death
=> rights expire 70 years after author’s death
2.2.2) but publication more than 70 years after author’s death
=> no more rights, but exclusive exploitation rights for the owner of the work, for 25 years after 1st publication
3) Rights of heirs and descendants
(L121-2) Once the 70-year period has passed, heirs and descendants retain the moral right (respect for the author’s name, status and work), but no longer the exploitation right (which includes the right of representation and the right of reproduction).).
4) Rules for extending the 70-year period (L123-8 to 10)
4.1) If the work was published before 31/12/1918 and its rights expired after 03/02/1919, then its rights are extended by 4 years (approximately).
4.2) If the work was published before 01/01/1948 and its rights expired after 13/08/1941, then its rights are extended by 9 years (approximately).
4.3) If the author’s death certificate mentions “Died for France”, rights are further extended by 30 years.